Pur si simplu... despre viata

Pentru a-ti face visele sa devina realitate, primul lucru pe care trebuie sa il faci e sa te trezesti. (J.M Power)

There's light in the darkness

In viata exista munti si vai, perioade mai putin bune si perioade extraordinare. Sunt perioade in care te simti omul cel mai fericit de pe pamant si perioade in care simti ca tristetea te copleseste. Asta e de fapt viata, cu momente care alterneaza, insa la ce trebuie sa fim noi atenti e ca momentele mai putin bune sa fie cat mai rare, ele oricum vor exista, dar putem alege sa iesim din starile acelea. Depinde doar de noi. Intotdeauna exista o lectie pe care trebuie sa o invatam in momentele noastre mai putin bune si momentele de cumpana sunt cele care ne pot schimba si ne ajuta sa ne maturizam. Am sa postez in continuare niste citate reprezentative.

"Each difficult moment has the potential to open my eyes and open my heart. " Myla Kabat Zinn

"Even the most daring and accomplished people have undergone tremendous difficulty. In fact, the more successful they became, the more they attributed their success to the lessons learned during their most difficult times. Adversity is our teacher. When we view adversity as a guide towards greater inner growth, we will then learn to accept the wisdom our soul came into this life to learn." Barbara Rose

"No matter what difficulty you are facing, it is coming from Divine Light to bring you to a higher place within. Write down every conceivable reason that this situation can contribute towards your growth. Write down every way this experience can possibly set the stage for serving to uplift others. When you are complete, and have come to the other side of this experience, you will then know 'why' it happened." Barbara Rose

"The period of greatest gain in knowledge and experience is the most difficult period in one’s life. "Dalai Lama

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Eu... pur si simplu Daca insa ar fi sa spun ceva despre mine,as spune simplu Delia, asa cum o cunosc cei apropiati. Am o meserie frumoasa si am decis sa fac o calatorie interioara si sa impartasesc cu ceilalti gandurile si trairile mele. Acum pot spune ca mi-am gasit drumul, vocatia.

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About this blog

Your future is based on the level of consciousness you hold as you make the choices that build it.

-- Alan Cohen

"The meaning of life is to give life meaning."

-- Ken Hudgins

When we own our lives, we accept what we've inherited and the experiences we hold in our memories. We also claim our right to create new conditions if we're not happy with what's come before. We assume responsibility for changing what does not suit us. We acknowledge our own special talents and skills, and truly comprehend our right to enjoy the journey. In short, we embrace the meaning and purpose, the mystery and the beauty of our lives.

Do you feel that you own your life at the moment?

"I think of life itself now as a wonderful play that I've written for myself... and so my purpose is to have the utmost fun playing my part."

-- Shirley MacLaine

"Life is too short to be little."

-- Benjamin Disraeli

"Every man dies, but not every man lives...."

-- Garth Brooks

Know Yourself and Grow Yourself - The degree that you know yourself defines the degree to which you grow yourself. Know yourself in depth. Answer in detail ‘Who am I?’

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